Candle Wicks

How to Choose Candle Wicks

Choosing which candle wicks to use is one of the most difficult aspects of candle making. To help make this easier for you, we have worked hard to create 4 options, which are outlined below:

Option 1: Use Our Candle Recipes

Candle Recipes, are exactly what they sound like...a tried and tested list of ingredients and instructions that will help you make candles that burn safely and smell great.

This is by far the quickest way to get started in candle making, as our laboratory have conducted extensive testing, so the recommended wick will work with the wax and fragrance combination. You can recipes for our three best-selling waxes below: RCX Wax, EU464 Soy Wax, and US464 Soy Wax.

To find recipes (which include the recommended wick), simply open the fragrance you want to use and look for the 'tried and tested' recipes section.

We do not have recipes for all fragrances and jar sizes, but are coninuously adding new recipes.

Option 2: Wick Finder Tool

If there are no recipes for your chosen fragrance, don't panic. The tool below can be used to recommend wicks based on our most popular waxes and the diameter of the vessel you are using.

Although this does not offer the same ceratinty as a fully tested recipe, it will give you a good start point in your own testing.

If there are no recommendations for your chosen wax and diameter, it means we have not tested that combination.

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Option 3: WIck Sample Packs

If there is no recipe for your choice of fragrance, but you are using our Rapeseed & Coconut (RCX) wax, or Golden Wax 464 Soy, our Wick Sample Packs are a selection of wicks that typically work in these waxes.

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